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Our vision is to deliver high quality English-to-French (and vice versa) translation and editing services to enable clients reach potential French markets in a fast-developing world facing global health crisis and economic issues. Our objective is to excel in English-to-French (and vice versa) technical and scientific translation to support businesses and organizations reach French markets.


Our mission is to help English-speaking technical and scientific businesses and organizations adapt to globalization and recognize our talent in communicating the right message to the right audience in French to sell their products and/or services. We help our clients to eliminate language barriers to enable communication with French countries. Our team consists of native French translators specialized in various technical and scientific fields, certified and qualified to provide French content to clients who want to expand their business to international French markets.



Established in 2001 in Canada, Editech Documentation Inc. is a Language Service Provider (LSP) offering professional services in technical English-to-French (and vice versa) translation, editing and localization, as well as technical writing and documentation management to clients from the public and private sectors.


For over 20 years, we have been providing language services to organizations and companies located in Canada, Australia, United Kingdom and United States of America, in various technical disciplines.


More specifically, Editech Documentation Inc. has catered to clients who required English and French technical writing services, English-to-French (and vice versa) technical and scientific translation, comparative editing, and localization services, as well as substantive editing in French.


With attention to detail, our team has produced the following deliverables for numerous clients: technical documentation such as drug descriptions and studies in various scientific fields, quick reference cards, configuration and troubleshooting manuals and user guides, business case studies, business and technical requirements and specifications, software release notes, white papers, abstracts, annual reports, articles, bid tender proposals, brochures, corporate messages such as communiqués and emails, bid-tender notices, marketing material, newsletters, training presentations, website content, interface literals and field descriptions, as well as video presentations.


Since its inception, Editech Documentation Inc. has collaborated in the delivery of English-to-French (and vice versa) technical translations, editing, and bilingual writing of online content and documentation materials in the following disciplines: aeronautics and aviation, agri-food production,  bio-medical technology, business legal, dentistry, earth sciences, health care, medical science and pharmaceuticals, industrial automation, Information Technology (IT), military, renewable energy, telephony and telecommunications, and virtual reality.

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We are certified in English-to-French (and vice versa) translation with the Association of Translators and Interpreters of Ontario (ATIO) and Ordre des traducteurs terminologues et interprètes agréés du Québec (OTTIAQ). We are certified for errors and omissions. We are member of the Canadian Translators, Terminologists and Interpreters Council (CTTIC). We are currently working towards obtaining the International Standardization Organization (ISO) 9001 standard for processes related to quality assurance management.


We are active members of: CTTIC; Editors Canada; International institute of Business Analysis (IIBA); and Society of Technical Communications (STC).

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@ 2025 Editech Documentation Inc.
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We are a professional Language Service Provider (LSP) which focuses on expanding your business to different French markets.

The doorway to greater business opportunities
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