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a. Language Service Provider (LSP) / Fournisseur de services
b. consulting / consultation;
c. content creation / création de contenu;
d. documentation / documentation;
e. language localization / localisation linguistique;
f. Quality Assurance (QA) / assurance de la qualité;
g. editing / révision;
h. technical translation / traduction technique;
i. English-to-French translation;
j. English-to-French editing;
k. Canadian French;
l. French technical editing;
m. technical translation / traduction technique;
n. technical writing / rédaction technique;
o. bio-medical engineering / génie bio-médical;
p. defense and security / défense et sécurité;
q. earth science / science de la terre;
r. engineering disciplines / disciplines d'ingénierie;
s. environment / environment;
t. renewable energy / énergie renouvelable;
u. health care / soins de santé;
v. pharmaceuticals / pharmaceutique;
w. health sciences / sciences de la santé;
x. information technology / technologie de l'information;
y. informatics / informatique.
Output Products of Translation, Editing, Writing into another language:
a. annual reports / rapports annuels;
b. contracts / contrats;
c. corporate material / matériel d'entreprise;
d. ebooks / livres électroniques;
e. platforms / plateformes;
f. scientific reports / rapports scientifiques;
g. short videos / courtes vidéos.
h. software / logiciels;
i. technical reports / rapports techniques;
j. websites / sites Web;
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